Glenda León in "Tout équipé" at the Brownstone Foundation in Paris


13 of May 2023

Tout équipé refers to the advertisements used on online platforms to sell houses in Cuba. In Cuban popular slang, "For sale, everything included." means that the house is being sold with all the furniture and appliances included. It also alludes to what we carry with us once we migrate permanently, precisely during a period when Cuba is experiencing the largest wave of migration in its history.


The exhibition addresses topics such as migration, departure, family and collective memory, history, politics, and freedom of expression, through different formats such as photography, drawing, video art, and installation.


However, Glenda León's work goes beyond geographical and conceptual definitions, although the influence of being born and raised in a country with a communist imprint like Cuba is notable.


*Text courtesy of the Brownstone Foundation.


Tout équipé

Glenda León

Exhibition until June 18th

Brownstone Foundation

26 Rue Saint Gilles, 75003, Paris