
Adrián Gaitán

From Lamparas series

Cardboard, wire, glass and lights

90 x 80 x 80 cm


From Lamparas series



Adrián Gaitán

Adrián Gaitán's body of work focuses fundamentally on the deconstruction and revision of symbols associated with high culture, the most representative images of the history of Western art and the aesthetic references imported from Europe to Latin America.

The materiality of his works is essential to understand his work because through it there is a critique of the triviality of the objects possessed by the most privileged and the fragility of the concepts and images that we associate with art and culture. Poor, recycled and abject materials such as earth, cardboard, motor oil, used plastic, wood, and mattresses, among others, denote Gaitán's interest in the capacity they have to make any concept, apparently rigid, enter into tension. Adrián Gaitán shares his vision with which, under an attentive analysis, we make more complex readings that question the way in which we establish value criteria about things.

Frequently, the images he uses as his reflection occurs around the domestic space. Repeatedly in his sculptures appear furniture elements such as grand pianos, Persian rugs and chandeliers constructed with materials collected from the streets and transformed to analyze the notion of "good taste". Gaitán confers entity to the symbolic potential of elements associated with "low culture" and manages to make the image also function as a devotional object and a critique of the aspirational, as he questions the values that make up the modern cult of materialism.

"I met Marcel Duchamp and that was the breaking point. Then Dadaism, Surrealism, the accumulation of real materials that have had a use and are given another symbolism and another charge. I liked this because I was also a recycler but more intuitive because I focus on something more functional: the function between culture and popular objects, almost in disuse or out of fashion".