Liliana García

Liliana García (Medellín, Colombia. 1977) develops her research and creation processes in the field of visual arts, exploring questions that address relationships with space and objects. In particular, the artist focuses on bodies that present physical alterations and, for this reason, perform some of their functions differently from the average population, something that, in turn, places them outside the statistical norm.

In the initial phase, García collects life experiences through bibliographic reviews of individuals who have experienced functional diversity and who have decided to publicly share their testimonies. From these accounts, questions arise about the dimension of the other who moves differently, leading to the creation of objects and spaces that exist outside of normalization and enable new perspectives on what is considered functional.


Liliana García

Silla espaldar 2

Liliana García

Cajonera 1

Liliana García

Silla Azul I & II

Liliana García

Inventario de acciones cotidianas

Liliana García

Peine 1

Liliana García

Cepillo 1

Liliana García

Chanclas 1

Liliana García

Hidrante 1

Liliana García

Hidrante 2

Liliana García

Bolardo 1

Liliana García

Bolardo 2

Liliana García

Bolardo 3

Liliana García

Bolardo 4

Liliana García

Pared papel de colgadura