Natalia López La Reina y David Szaúl


Winners call for artist to intervene the facade

15 of March 2022

This project was born from the desire to subvert the regular dynamics of artistic production, seeking that the budget for the creation of work is destined to help a vulnerable group, which in this particular case, was living on the street a few blocks from Galeria La Cometa; and showing, as a result, a piece of plastic that would further support these people.


This is how AMAR TEMER PARTIR was born, a work titled using the three model verbs for the conjugations ar, er, ir, relate both from the RAE, as well as from Cuban and some Colombian schools; and that they are also the portrait of what these people have had to live. That is why, as an intervention piece on the façade, photographs were taken of their hands -which represent love for their land and their work-, of their eyes -which represent the fear they represent in the face of a situation of direct violence towards- and of his feet that represent having to leave his land.